Kolmel Cheltenhami Muusikafestivali kontserdil Inglismaal esitatakse Veljo Tormise teoseid.
7. juulil laulab ETV tütarlastekoor Aarne Saluveeri juhatusel rea laule tsüklitest "Sügismaastikud", "Talvemustrid" ja "Kiigelaulud".
10.-11. juulil võtab helilooja ise festivalist osa.
10. juulil on Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoori kavas "Piiskop ja pagan"
ja 11. juulil "Laulusild" ning "Jaanilaulud". Sellele kontserdile eelneb Veljo Tormise vestlus-pooltund.

Veljo Tormis' music will be performed at three concerts in the Cheltenham Music Festival (UK).
The Estonian TV Girls' Choir will sing parts from cycles "Autumn Landscapes", "Winter Patterns" and "Swing Songs" on July 7th.
The composer himself shall attend the festival on July 10.-11.
The Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir will perform "The Bishop and the Pagan" on July 10th
and "Bridge of Song" and "St.John's Day Songs" on July 11th, with Veljo Tormis in pre-concert conversation with Meurig Bowen.
